Access Profiles

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This option enables you to tailor access profiles and let users seamlessly and safely connect their desktop, applications and weblinks, using the current company's security policy.


You should use "Access Profiles" if you need to:


a. Restrict the application access with Active Directory Authentication.


b. Specify different access levels for different users and groups of users.


c. Make the users' experience faster by configuring predetermined RDP preferences for each profile.


d. Unify authentications in a Single Sign-on schema.


e. Allow external application to manage ThinRDP users and machine permissions through the use of a Web Service.



In order to use the "Access Profiles", you should set this option as the authentication mode on ThinRDP Manager's "Security" tab.

This will enable the "Access Profiles" tab, as shown below.



ThinRDP Server HTML5, Web-based RDP remote desktop control configuration security access profiles


The following topics will teach you how to manage RDP profile and Weblink profiles, from this Access Profiles window.