

SupportSmith 2.0 establishes outgoing SSH-2 128-bit encrypted communications, allowing to pass through firewalls, NAT routers and proxy servers, in a secure and reliable fashion between its 3 components:


1. SupportSmith Server

- Handles the exchange between the Suppor Manager and the Agents.

- Manages the Ticket system.

- Establishes permission levels and security parameters.


2. Support Manager

- Monitors online Pre-Installed Agents.

- Access System Overview Pre-Installed Agents's positions.


3. Agents

a.1. Pre-Installed Agents

- Requests Support.

- Enables unattended remote access.

- Enables chat, status monitoring and remote System Overview.

- Enables File Transfer, Remote Shell, System Information Reports for all remote sessions.

- Enables to share a Windows Application or the whole desktop with a Colleague.

- Includes a Pre-Installed Agent Manager that can be password restricted.


b. On-Demand Agents

- Requests Support.

- Enables File Transfer, Remote Shell, System Information Reports for all remote support sessions.