

Connection Settings




Proxy Settings



Use Proxy Server:

Check this option to use a Proxy Server. From the Proxy Settings box you can either use Internet Explorer Proxy settings or define your own.



Communication Server


Click on Settings button to enter the SupportSmith Server communication parameters:



Address: Enter the server IP Address or DNS Name.

Port: Enter the server port to connect to.

Username: Enter the username required for a proper authentication. Include the domain name whether necessary.

Password: Enter the password required for a proper authentication.




There's a grayed out option for Public Server. At this time we are not running a Public Server for SupportSmith. However, this option might be available in the future. If you require more information regarding this matter please contact us.



License Information



Enter the email associated to your Company.


Company ID

Enter the ID assigned to your Company. It consists on 4 groups of 8 characters each (letters and numbers), separated by a dash (-). Its format will be: 12345678-12345678-12345678-12345678