Privileged Access Management (PAM)
Thinfinity's Resource Reservation Module offers a tailored approach for providing temporary remote application access to employees, contractors, and vendors. It facilitates the creation of custom bookable access profiles, which can be configured through the Thinfinity Resource Reservation interface, ensuring a personalized and secure access management system
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Wesentliche Merkmale
Von Teams auf der ganzen Welt bevorzugt, um sicheren Zugang zu gewährleisten
Sicherer Fernzugriff
Enable secure, fluid connections to vital IT frameworks, cloud services, and OT systems from any location, without relying on VPNs.
Attain complete oversight and command over every action, permission, and more in each privileged session.
Privilegierte Zugangskontrolle
Apply least privilege and just-in-time principles by providing users with the precise level of remote access necessary, limited to the exact time required.
Real time monitoring and alerts
Überwachen Sie privilegierte Aktivitäten in Echtzeit mit einem fortschrittlichen System, das Administratoren bei ungewöhnlichen Aktivitäten warnt und so die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen verbessert.
Full-Screen Experience
Enhance efficiency and system security with multi-factor, passwordless, and SAML authentications, streamlined for easy integration and access.
Seamless Navigation
Achieve readiness for SOC 2 compliance with detailed session audits, forensic analysis, and advanced analytics, drawing from comprehensive session data.