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Move your legacy enterprise applications to the cloud

Modernize your enterprise software ecosystem without coding. Thinfinity enables secure and zero complexity workspaces.

Move your enterprises applications to the cloud

Application modernization

Simplify application and desktop delivery across your organization

simplify application and desktop delivery
scale as much as needed

Improve IT agility

Scale as much as you need

Enterprise-grade security

Secure your data and resources

Secure your data and resources

Enterprise-grade security

All the features you need to create a modern integrated ecosystem


Send printing jobs from any device to any remote or local printer.

File transfer

Upload and download files from the remote desktop or remote applications on a single action.

Full-Screen experience

Get a local like user experience running your applications on full screen on any device.

Touch gestures

Android and iPads users can use native gestures on their devices.

Seamless navigation

Local like user experience with latency rates close to zero.

Drag and drop

Drag and drop files from your device to your remote application.

White labeling

Customize the Thinfinity portal with your logo and styles.


A seamless experience on ChromeOS. No installations needed on the end-user side.

Pure remote access and integration

Solving your infrastructure challenges to help move your business forward

Automate the sales process by giving customers instant access to free trials right from your website with no downloads or installations. Lower sales and marketing costs. Save customers’ time, reduce friction, and get more conversions in less time.

More cost-effective

Reduce your TCO up to 70% compared with traditional VDI and DaaS solutions.

More productive

Increase your employee’s engagement allowing them to access resources anywhere at any time. Avoid disruptions and delays.

Remote access integration
1. Do we get a free trial?

Yes, all Thinfinity solutions comes with a 15-days free trial.

Request a free consultation with one of our specialist and get guidance on the best Thinfinity solution for you.

Either if you go for a Fully hosted and Hybrid service or for an on-premises solution tech support is free during pre-sales.

On fully hosted and Hybrid solutions, once your architecture is defined we’ll set up a free 7 days POC for your deployment.

Deployment options

Distribuisci Thinfinity sulla tua infrastruttura

  • Gestito autonomamente e completo: Una soluzione di workspace digitale robusta, interamente ospitata nella tua infrastruttura on-premise, garantendo un controllo e una privacy senza pari.
  • Hosting versatile: Integra Thinfinity in modo fluido nei tuoi server locali o nel tuo hosting privato, adattandosi alle esigenze della tua infrastruttura senza compromessi.
  • Cost-Effective Scalability: Experience the most secure, scalable digital workspace with the industry’s lowest total cost of ownership, perfectly complementing your existing infrastructure and identity management systems.
on premises - deploy options

Unisci il meglio del cloud e dell'infrastruttura locale

  • Esperienza digitale unificata: Combina in modo fluido le capacità del cloud pubblico con le risorse on-premise per creare un workspace digitale coeso che si evolve con la tua azienda.
  • Future-Proof and Scalable: Expand your computing solutions on-demand, ensuring they grow and adapt to meet your ever-changing business needs.
  • Investment Preservation: Leverage and enhance your existing legacy infrastructure investments with adaptable and flexible deployment options, ensuring no resource is left behind.
hybrid - deploy options

Sicuro, agile e funziona su qualsiasi cloud

  • Compatibilità universale con il cloud: Progettato per funzionare in modo fluido su qualsiasi cloud o configurazione multi-cloud, offrendo spazi di lavoro digitali sicuri ed efficienti da qualsiasi luogo.
  • Sicurezza Garantita su Qualsiasi Cloud: Thinfinity è sicuro, indipendentemente dal cloud in cui lo utilizzi. Sfrutta le funzionalità avanzate di sicurezza dei principali provider di infrastrutture cloud per proteggere i tuoi dati dalle minacce informatiche.
  • Adattabilità per Ambienti Dinamici: Ideale per contesti aziendali ad alta velocità, offrendo la flessibilità e la rapidità necessarie per stare al passo con le esigenze dei moderni ambienti di lavoro.
cloud deployment

Soluzione chiavi in mano con Thinfinity SaaS

  • Workspace Digitale Chiavi in Mano: Elimina le complessità dei costi di infrastruttura e le sfide di distribuzione con una soluzione di workspace digitale completamente gestita e basata sul cloud.
  • Soluzione VDI Completa: Non solo desktop cloud, ma anche applicazioni virtuali e accesso sicuro a qualsiasi risorsa aziendale, potenziato da Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) e Privileged Access Management (PAM).
  • Sicurezza ed Efficienza Migliorate: Centralizza utenti, applicazioni e dati in un ambiente sicuro e conforme che aumenta l'efficienza IT e protegge dalle minacce informatiche.
fully hosted deployment

Let’s connect

We want to hear about your challenges and help you achieve your goals.

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