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Thinfinity® VirtualUI:

Move your Visual FoxPro Applications to the web

A development platform that allows you to take any existing Desktop Application and publish it as a web solution. You just need to add a single line of code to your source code and you’ll be ready to go.

Learn how to do it yourself!

Apps on the web

Visual Fox Pro applications on the web

Deliver your VFP application to any device with a very low development investment, save years by adapting your application rather than switching to another technology.



This stage can be accomplished using any windows development machine, you just need to have access to the source code of your application, install Thinfinity® VirtualUI on it and change a few lines of code.

Windows server development

Server deployment

Once Your application is compiled with VirtualUI libraries, the next step will be to install it on a Windows server along with Thinfinity® VirtualUI Server manager and follow this last tutorial.

Why go with Thinfinity® VirtualUI

Scale icon

Easy deployment and scalability

Host your app wherever you want and Increase the amount of users according to your business needs.

Citrix Replacement - Cybele Software

Cost efectiveness

With minimun investment, you can extend the life-cycle of your legacy application without costly code rewrites or expensive virtualization services.

Increases security - Thinfinity Features

Increased security

Isolate your Windows VFP apps to protect critical systems from device’s vulnerabilities.

Independent Software Vendors - Cybele Software

ISV to Saas

Rent or provide a service with your VFP application. Deliver a better customer experience and increase revenue, avoiding costly software rewrites. No need to change your application.

Host your application wherever you want

Windows local server icon

Local Server

Thinfinity VirtualUI is compatible with almost every Version of Windows Server, Including 2019, so once it is ready your application can be hosted almost everywhere, to deploy your VB6 application from a local server you just need to repeat the steps from the previous tutorial.

Azure icon


Take advantage of all the Microsoft services by running your application on an Azure server, Scale from one to thousands of virtual machine instances. With the growing number of regional Azure datacenters, easily scale globally so you’re closer to your customers.

AWS icon

Amazon Web Services

Host your application on AWS and increase or decrease your server capacity within minutes, not hours or days. You can commission one, hundreds, or even thousands of server instances simultaneously.

Google Cloud icon

Google Cloud

Scale high-performance virtual machines with per-second billing and automatic discounts and save by paying only for what you use.

Rackspace icon


Once ready your application can run on a cloud server, Thinfinity® VirtualUI is Compatible with any cloud infrastructure, you can go from ISV to SaaS in almost no time.

VM Ware icon

VM WARE or HyperV

Host your application on a private cloud using the most popular VDI providers like VMWare or Microsoft HyperV.

Choose the best license for your project

Our license and plans structure covers different scenarios, giving you the flexibility to choose what is most suitable for your particular business. Get a quote if you have specific needs.

Still not sure? Contact Us!

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