License Terms, Standard Support
Service and Quality Warranty

Last Revision Date: March 28, 2022

Annual License Terms

  1. The term of use of the “annual” license of the Software is for 1 (one) year since the purchase date.
  2. The Standard Support Service is included within the annual license price.
  3. The annual licenses will be automatically renewed unless otherwise instructed by the licensee. You may cancel the license at any time before the renewal.
  4. Cybele Software Inc. is hereby allowed (but not obliged to) contact the licensee to remind them about the expiration of the license in advance, in order to offer a renewal for another period.

Standard Support Service

This Standard Software Support Service includes:

  1. Any and all new releases, updates or versions and the corresponding related documentation, such as guides, listings, specifications and other materials to use in conjunction with the Software as generally supplied by Cybele Software Inc. to its licensees.
  2. Telephone, chat and email support with qualified knowledgeable personnel during our business hours, in the form of advice and counsel on the use and Support of the Software. There shall not be any limit on the number of support requests made by the licensee to Cybele Software.
  3. Support for the two releases prior to the most recent release of the Software.

Custom Services

  1. If the customer requests assistance beyond the Standard Service Support, it will be at an extra charge.
  2. Cybele Software will first evaluate the scope and details of the required service level and might submit a corresponding proposal, together with an action plan, for the customer’s approval.

Quality Warranty

  1. Cybele Software inc. represents and warrants that all new releases, updates or versions delivered to the customer shall perform at least according to the same quality standards that are contained in the Software at the time initially licensed by the customer and that such new releases, updates or versions shall not decrease in functionality or adversely affect the performance of the Software.
  2. Cybele Software also represents and warrants that the Software will perform in accordance with the Documentation during the Support Service term.
Cybele Software Inc. reserves the right to update these terms without notice.
You may always download the latest version of this document here.
¹ Except ‘Thinfinity VirtualUI Developer License’, which is sold on a permanent basis with Standard Service Support included for only one year after purchase. After the first year, the Support Service renewal will become optional will be and customers can choose whether they want to renew this Service or not. Please note that any License without up-to-date Support will not be eligible for the Standard Support Support Services. Again, these specific terms are only applicable to ‘Thinfinity VirtualUI Developer License’. Cybele Software Inc., 3422 Old Capitol Trail Suite 1125, Wilmington, DE
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